
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Installation Art Response

I think we did really good for less than two weeks. I think that Zoe made pretty good  mobiles and she put a lot of effort into it except she only made a few and I made most of them.  Zoe made the best 'Swirlies' (she made a lot of them and made them better than me) She made really good copper wire 'Roofs'. Feel free to comment and follow me.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading: Bean Rock

The story is about the oldest and only cottage type of lighthouse in the New Zealand: Bean Rock. The first lighthouse keeper of Bean Rock was Hugh Brown. We wrote tons of information in the 'Reading Comprehension Questions' sheet. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My Abstract Art

Here is a slideshow about some art I made for the art show. Every slide there's an image of that step and there's also a small paragraph 
explaining that piece. There's a slide with the solo thinking in it. There's also a slide that explains abstract art and a slide with the final piece and a slide with me at the art festival. The good thing about abstract art is that you can change your mind whenever and it's freestyle.